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Current Team

Stephanie Correia

Doctoral Student (Psy.D./Ph.D.)

Doctoral Research Project


My research focuses on aggression in school-aged children and how this behaviour may be linked to their friendships depending on the classroom context in which children spend much of their time. I am interested in exploring how close friends may influence children’s aggressive behaviour, and in turn, how children’s aggressive behaviour may impact on their friendship relations. The associations between aggressive behaviour and friendship may be moderated by social environmental factors such as classroom social norms. For example, the level of acceptability of aggressive behaviour in the peer group may exacerbate or attenuate the impact of friend’s aggression on children’s own aggression, or the impact of children’s aggressive behaviour on the qualities of their relationship with their best friend. I am also interested in examining gender and age differences, as well as particularities regarding physical and relational forms of aggressive behaviour in childhood.

Bursaries and Awards


Fonds de Recherche du Québec – Société et Culture (FQRSC) Doctoral Research Scholarship: $60 000 from September 2015 to August 2018

Fonds de Recherche du Québec – Société et Culture (FQRSC) Masters Research Scholarship: $15 000 from September 2014 to August 2015

Social Sciences and Humanities and Research Council (SSHRC/CRSH) Canada Graduate Scholarship: $17 500 from September 2013 to August 2014

Bourse d’excellence de l’UQAM : $8 000 from September 2013 to August 2014




Correia, S., Brendgen, M., Turgeon, L., Vitaro, F. (2021, Online First). Physical and Relational Aggression as Predictors of Children’s Friendship Experiences: Examining the Moderating Role of Preference Norms. Aggressive Behavior.

Correia, S., Brendgen, M., Vitaro, F. (2019, Online First). The role of norm salience in aggression socialization among friends: Distinctions between physical and relational aggression. International Journal of Behavioral Development

Guimond, F.-A., Correia, S., Brendgen, M., Vitaro, F., Turgeon, L. (2018). The Moderating Role of Peer Norms in the Associations of Social Withdrawal and Aggression with Peer Victimization. Developmental Psychology, 54(8), 1519-1527.


Conference Presentations

Correia, S., Brendgen, M., Vitaro, F. (2018, Avril). Do injunctive classroom norms moderate the links between friends’ and pre-adolescents’ physical and relational aggression? Congrès de la Society for Research on Adolescence, Avril 12-14 2018, Minneapolis, MN.

Burningham, A., Correia, S., Brendgen, M., Vitaro, F. (2017, Juin). Do classroom injunctive norms moderate the stability of physical aggression? Conférence interdisciplinaire en psychologie. Ottawa, ON, Canada

Correia, S., Brendgen, M., Vitaro, F. (2017, Avril). The impact of physical and relational aggression on children’s positive and negative friendship quality. Congrès de la Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX, 6-8 Avril 2017.

Correia, S., Brendgen, M., Vitaro, F. (2017, Avril). Do classroom-level and school-level injunctive norms exacerbate or inhibit physically and relationally aggressive behavior? Congrès de la Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX, 6-8 Avril 2017.

Brouillard, C., Correia, S., Brendgen, M., Vitaro, F., Dionne, G., Boivin, M. (2017, Avril). Links between the Parent-Child Relationship and Adolescent Delinquency: a Genetically Informed Study. Congrès de la Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX, 6-8 Avril 2017.

Guimond, F.-A., Brendgen. M., Correia, S., Turgeon, L., Vitaro, F., (2017, Avril). The Moderating Role of Classroom and School Injunctive Norms in the Association Between Social Withdrawal and Peer Victimization. Congrès de la Society for Research in Child Development, Austin, TX, 6-8 Avril 2017.

Burningham, A., Correia, S., Vitaro, F., Brendgen, M. (Mars, 2017). Les normes injonctives à l'école et dans la classe influencent-elles le niveau d'agressivité des élèves? Congrès annuel de la Société Québécoise pour la Recherche en Psychologie, Montréal, QC, Canada

Correia, S., Brendgen, M., & Vitaro, F. (Mars 31 2016). Aggression and friendship: What injunctive classroom norms reveal about changes in young adolescents’ friendship relations. Congrès de la Society for Research on Adolescence, Mars 30-Avril 02 2016, Baltimore, MD.

Correia, S., Brendgen, M., & Vitaro, F. (Octobre 2015). Agressivité et normes sociales dans la salle de classe: Qu’est-ce que ça veut dire pour moi et mon meilleur ami?. 27e Congrès de l’Association québécoise des psychologues scolaire (AQPS), Trois-Rivières, QC, 22-23 Octobre 2015.

Correia, S., Brendgen, M., Vitaro, F., & Turgeon, L. (2015, mai). L’effet modérateur des normes injonctives sur le retrait social et l’estime de soi chez les enfants d’âge scolaire. Communication par affiche au 82e Congrès de l'Association Francophone pour le Savoir, Rimouski QC, Canada.

Correia, S., Brendgen, M., & Vitaro, F. (2015, mars). Agressivité et amitié chez les enfants du 4e au 6e année : Est-ce que les normes injonctives jouent un rôle modérateur? Communication par affiche 36e Congrès de la Société Québécoise pour la Recherche en Psychologie, Montreal, QC, Canada.

Correia, S., Brendgen, M., & Vitaro, F. (2015, March). Link Between Aggressive and Withdrawn Behavior and Children’s Self-Esteem: Do Classroom Norms Play a Moderating Role? Poster presented at the SRCD Biennial Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

Correia, S., Brendgen, M., & Vitaro, F. (2015, February). The impact of physical and relational aggression on depressive symptoms in children: Do injunctive classroom norms play a moderating role? Poster presented at the Canadian Depression Research and Intervention Network 2015 Conference, Ottawa ON, Canada.

Correia, S., Brendgen, M., & Vitaro, F. (2014, June). Children’s acceptance or rejection of aggressive behaviour: Variation of injunctive norms in grades 4 and 6. Poster presented at the 3rd National Psychology Outside the Box Conference, Ottawa ON, Canada.  

Correia, S., Brendgen, M., & Vitaro, F. (2014, May). Do injunctive classroom norms regarding withdrawal moderate the risk of victimization for withdrawn children? Poster presented at Development 2014: A Canadian Conference on Developmental Psychology, Ottawa ON, Canada.

Correia, S., Brendgen, M., & Vitaro, F. (2014, May). The interactive role of classroom norms and friends’ behavior in predicting children’s physical and relational aggression. In T. Vaillancourt (Chair), Contemporary Issues in the Study of Childhood Aggression. Symposium conducted at Development 2014: A Canadian Conference on Developmental Psychology, Ottawa ON, Canada.

Correia, S., Brouillard, C., Brendgen, M., & Vitaro, F. (2014, mai). La variabilité temporelle des normes injonctives pour les comportements d’agressivité   physique et relationnelle chez les enfants d’âge scolaire. Communication par    affiche au 82e Congrès de l'Association Francophone pour le Savoir, Montreal QC, Canada.

Correia, S., Brendgen, M., & Vitaro, F. (2014, March). Do injunctive classroom norms regarding withdrawal moderate the risk of depression in late childhood? Poster presented at the Canadian Depression Research and Intervention Network 2014 Conference, Ottawa ON, Canada.

Correia, S., Brendgen, M., Brouillard, C., Vitaro, F. (2014, mars). L’agressivité des amis, les normes comportementales dans le groupe de pairs et le développement de l’agressivité physique et indirecte chez les enfants. Communication par affiche 36e Congrès de la Société Québécoise pour la Recherche en Psychologie, Montreal QC, Canada.



Stephanie Correia: News
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