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Current Team

Valentina Martinez

Doctoral Student (Psy.D.) 

Doctoral Research Project


My research focuses on the interplay between environmental experiences during childhood (notably the student-teacher relationship) and genetic factors in explaining future adjustment once youth enter college. Specifically, I am interested in investigating a potential gene-environment interaction between a student’s genetic predisposition for high or low self-efficacy and the developmental course of the quality of the student-teacher relationship in elementary school, and whether this interaction can explain interindividual differences in later self-reported self-efficacy at age 19 years. Additionally, I seek to examine whether individual differences in self-efficacy mediate the longitudinal association between the quality of the student-teacher relationship in childhood and subsequent academic achievement in college. This research could provide valuable insights into how early educational experiences and genetic predispositions jointly influence long-term self-efficacy and academic success, potentially informing interventions to support youth development and educational attainment.



Bursaries and Awards


2022 - 2023      McGill, Dorothy Osborne Xanthaky Bursery ($1750)

Awarded based on academic achievements by the scholarship committee and the dean of the department of science, Bruce Lennox, from McGill

2022                  Top 10% of the programme in psychology (Honours).

2019                  McGill, Prix d excellence McGill ($300)

        Awarded for performance exceptional in science and mathematics.



Conference Presentations


Martinez, V., Sciandra, C., Grooves, I., Hardt, O. (2023, April 13). The Role of Proapoptotic
Signalling in the Active Decay of Long-term Memories. Poster Day 2023, McGill
university, Montréal, QC, Canada.

Christina Cantave: News
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